Sunday, March 16, 2008

The story begins

So... In October my company started discussing the possability of our divisions in Puetro Rico going on strike. I belong to a certain team who gets sent to troubled areas to be a SCAB and do the job they refuse to do when they decide to strike. (SCAB stands for "Still Collecting All Benifits") My company took my information along with other qualified members of this team and submitted them to the Puerto Rican Government for approval. I was one of the ones who was given approval. Reminder: this was back in October 07. As we finished off the year we had a few times that the team was called and put on high alert ready to fly out at any given moment, but never did it happen. Now I have been on a few strike forces some close some far but Puerto Rico would be the BOMB!!!
I planned our yearly ski trip for the weekend of Feb. 16 08 and the morning of Friday the 15 of Feb 2008 I got the order to book my flight and that I was flying out on Tuesday the 19th of Feb. I flew out of Chicago at 6:00 am and landed in San Juan Puerto Rico at 2;30 pm that afternoon. I knew a few guys from the other strikes who would be there Big Lar. for one he lives in ST. Louis IL. but the rest of the guys would be strangers.. Here is a picture of me in a Front load commercial garbage truck. More to come Bitches


idobcool said...

Welcome back.

Congratulations on the content warning before entering your blog.

Jonathan said...

So, the garbage company sent you on a emergency trip to puerto rico to...collect trash ?

Axe Victim said...

Hey Big Bill. Interesting line of work. I'm very keen to follow your SCAB'ing adventures. Great fun. Do they hurl things at you as you pick up the garbage. Does this mean that you will b eflying over to Italy to sort the mountain of crap building up in Verona?

Anonymous said...

jon; I work for a union company and according to "fair labor practice laws" and the "Bargaining agreement" between my company and the local union if the drivers decide to create any kind of work stoppage we have to right to continue servicing our customer base. So yes I was sent on a trip to (as you so elequently put it) collect trash)
You got a problem wit dat?
axe- I have been in some nerve ratteling positions while SCAB'ing but all has been well. Some guys on our crew have had rocks thrown at them.
Unfortunatly we don't have any companies overseas that I know of.
More on the story of Puerto Rico to follow.
Big Bill

Heff said...

What's with the "Anonymous" post on your own blog ? Already forgotten your password again ? And who created that nice avatar for you ? lol. Welcome back.

Jonathan said...

Even though it sounded like it, my post wasnt supposed to be conveyed in a deragatory sense...Text is deceiving...Anyways, I wish I could go on a trip to P.R. for work

Anonymous said...

how do you get that warning page on the front? I need one of those. It's why that blog I had in 06 got deleted!