Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am back from Puerto Rico!!!

Well I know I have been tardy with the blogging and I hope this is not just a one time post. I am going to do my darndest to keep blogging as much as possible. I just got back from Puerto Rico. I was cleared by the Puerto Rican government to drive a commercial truck (garbage truck). I was down there for 18 days. I left Febuary 19th 2008 and came back home March 7th 2008 (2 days before my anniversary!!) Yikes!!
I had a good trip and made a bunch of new friends all of which had the pleasure of seeing my bare ass on several occasions. Here is a pic with Mr Joe. He is a Master Chief in the Navy. He is currently in the reserves and works for our company. He is scheduled to go back over to Iraq in September.. Great guy, funny as hell!!
Here we are in front of ..... Well look at the freakin Picture !!!
I will have a lot more pics to show so keep stopping by from time to time!!
Peace bitches!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I actually got along with guard and reserves people better then active duty when I was deployed. They don't act like they have sticks jammed up their fucking asses like some of the jerk offs do around this place. Deploying in general is a nice break from home base. Depending on what sandbox I go to maybe I'll run into this dude.