Saturday, March 22, 2008

Here I am with "Peter Griffin". Well that's what I called him. His real name was Bob. Well that's what I thought till I called him Bob and he did not answer. I said to him BOB when I call you answer me!! he responded.... My names not Bob it's Dave .....OK Fair enough.. DAAAAVE.
Here we are by "La Muralla de San Juan" or City Wall it's located just east of "Castillo San Cristobal" or "Fuerte San Cristobal" which is either San Cristobal castle or fort. Its located in the San Juan Bay its sister Fuerte or fort is San Felipe del Morro Fortress built from 1540 to 1783.
On May 11 1898, American war ships arrived off the north shore of Puerto Rico. Just before dawn (I don't know who Dawn is?) the American ships opened fire on San Juan. Something like 1360 shells and more were fired. 15 thousand civilians took to the streets and ran into the jungles.
The Puertoricans had fired their huge Ordonez cannon from San Cristobal which started the Spanish-American war.
OK enough with the history leason. I remember walking thru the village in San Juan in the area that they are talking about and man it's like old Italy but it's not it,s Freakin Puerto Rico... The simalarities are this they both have very narrow cobblestone streets and the buildings are real close together. So when you think about that many shells being fired at this area it's pretty wild.. I will see if I have a few pics in my collection for a later viewing..

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