Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Big Lar.

Here is Larry, Good ole boy from St. Louis IL. We have been on 3 the strikes together and Love the work. I have to give Larry his props. He was very polished on his Front load driving skills and thank the sweet lord for that because Larry did the bulk of the routes.. No shit he finished his route and then helped other people finish theirs. Us other drivers had not been in a Frontload truck for some 7 years or so, so we became a little rusty..
NOTE: Good managers and supervisors should not be in the trucks at their home base doing the other drivers route under any circumstances at all... We are supposed to manage them not complete them...
Here is Lar at the "Hotel Melia" in the tiny elevator that was rated for only 4 people. I guess they meant 4 Puertorican people who tend to be smaller than us Big fucks!! We got on the elevator 4 of us and the doors closed the motor hummed the cables sounded like they actually stretched!! and then it stopped and went dead!! Larry reached over me and pushed the doors open and we had moved up about 4 feet. so we had a 4 foot hole to climb out of at the bottom of the door opening and we all came flying out one after another laughing our ass's off!!! Later there was a sign that said elevator under repair..... I don't know...
More to come!!

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