Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Backwoods Ass Country FUCKS!!!!

These two guys are about as Hillbilly country as you can get without pickin a Banjo.
The gentleman seated in the picture is Perry (Tater) Ford from Suck Creek Mississippi. I shit you not!! He was very cool His nickname was given to him because Slingblade was already taken and he reminded us of Carl..
The Moron in the back is "Tennessee Bill" total Fucken Gear head trucker who posed the question " how big is this here island? about 100 mile long and 50 miles wide, right? Then why the fuck do they have sleeper cabs on their semi's out here?" Good question.
Bill turned out to be a real Fuck-stick so we voted him off the island. That's right the big bosses sent him home. After 1 day. We all worked like 12 plus hours a day and he came in saying he was only working 10 and that was it. So we put him on a far away route and he ended up having his translator call the boss saying that he had to come in off the route. Well he stayed on the route and THEN went home .. LOL
More to come..

1 comment:

Heff said...

Jeezuz Khryst !!! Those guys make Alabama look civilized !!!