Sunday, March 30, 2008

Tricked school bus

Yes the Lopez school bus line must be very proud of this bus. It's an example of the optimum bus should look like in Puerto Rican standards. A child's Safety is not a concern here.. We saw a bus driving down the wrong way of a one way divided road in the middle of rush hour!!! The other vehicles had to pull out of the way... But the bus looked good...
Mr Lopez go back to the drawing board and rethink your business strategies... I bet this Fuckin thing had hydrolics also..


Heff said...

It needs some flames down the sides, but hey - No vehicle has everything.

Axe Victim said...

Yeah cool looking truck. Was it on its way to the Burger King?

Anonymous said...

nope it was bringing children home from school...

Anonymous said...

Could your profile picture be any gayer?

Bill's BUC said...

Yes it could be of you.....

Anonymous said...

Me wearing nothing but a leaf?