Tuesday, April 1, 2008

I thought I Sarw a dead guy

This is Skelator, Jeff, He is not dead but looks like it.. Ya see folks this is what happens when friends make your drinks for you. I make one hell of a Fucking Cuba Libra. Rum and coke. I start out with a shot of DonQ Puerto Rican Rum and then ice and Coke (A-cola!) then on top I like to float a shot of 151 bacardi. By the time you get to the 151 your pretty lit and this usually puts ya right over the edge as you can plainly see in the picture.
Now poor Jeff, Skeletore only weighed in at about 95 lbs with a full load of shit in him. He is so lucky that I didnt have a permanent marker on me at the time because this pic was taken about 4 hrs prior to him getting up for his flight home... Skeletore got stuck in Atlanta because of the snow storm in his home town of Columbus Ohio. He arrived in Atlanta at 9:00 am Friday 3/7/08 and Joe and I got there at 3:00 pm and Joe had to catch his flight to Moline and I sat and talked to Skeletore for a while and told him to get a room at the local Lov-Tel. He actually didn't fly out till Sunday afternoon.... Nice picture though don't you think?


Anonymous said...

Please cease and desist with any and all uses of the word Lov-Tel (sic). LoveTel is property of TOL Enterprises Inc. and is only used with express written, or oral (oh yesth) permission Of Commander Wil Harrison.

Thank you for your time and prompt attention to this matter.

Regards, R Anal Fissures, Attorney At Law.

Bill's BUC said...

As soon as you return those glasses to the woman you took them from, I will oglige your demand on the use of the Lov-Tel word..

Heff said...

Damn that Wil Harrison ! He wouldn't give me permission to use "Feeder's Digest" that Gina came up with as a title for my restaurant features, either. Litigious Bastard !

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, much ogliged.