Sunday, April 27, 2008

Old Style Beer

Ahh yes Old Style beer. If you grew up in the Chicago land area this was THEE beer. I remember stealing or should I say procuring some of these to be cool with the other teenagers.. One Old Style distribution warehouse is right down the street from the house I grew up in. As with any thing change is inevitable and we try to be different with our age groups thinking that the newer Beer's are better and we seem to get away from the real essence of what made the original product. A Brew!! not a watered down mass produced beer-like beverage but BEER!!! A Malty, Hoppy, strong breath taking BREW.
Around here they still sell Old Style all over the place. BUT, the locals look at you like what are drinking that for? It's still the #1 seller at Wrigley Field home of the Chicago Cubs.
When people come in from out of town and ask me what the Chicago Beer is I tell them Old Style. I am sick of lite and Bud taking over every place. We need to keep a certain amount of history and our past to remind of us of where we come from. When I went to Puerto Rico the beer was "Medalla" I guess when I go to Wisconsin it's either going to be Lienenkugals or Point I will have more on those brews in the summer. I like trying the beer of the region or state. I think its important not to forget our past.
I have recently re-tried this beer and it's a good beer (it's low priced also about $3.00 a sixer). I won't turn it down like some snob.. It's a Beer, a good drinkable beer. Good taste, not that over carbonated watered down piss being spilled all over the floors in taverns around the world. I like this one better than shlitz it does not have a sweet finish to it like you will find with Schlitz or Bud. So Drink on people "Milk is for babies I drink Beer!!!" Arnold


Heff said...

"Four score and seven beers ago...."

idobcool said...

Abraham Lincoln drank Old Style and look where it got him.

Anonymouse said...

Wow lots of beer facts! lol More than I ever knew i wanted to know.. ;)

Anonymous said...

Ya know, you have inspired me to try "Dog Style" again. Hey, remember the thing about on the can there's a picture of frogs fucking or something like that?

Anonymous said...

Even though it is a Cubs beer. So what's next? Little Kings?

Bill's BUC said...

Heff. Are you making fun of me? Would you like me to be more prolifick and discuss how viginas from different regions have different taste's and characteristics.
Like how Hispanic Down south Ponocha is better with a lick of lime and salt.
Old English snatch is brilliant with some Malt Vinegar.
Or how West indian Pussy is useless until you clear it of anti-personal devises and get all the sand out of it!! It's like some kind of oyster trying to make a pearl!!!

IDOBEASTOOL. Yeah it lead him to do some "SHOTS" with "John Wilks Booth" LOL

Anonymouse. Show your face or surrender your name!!!

Wil. Given your current GPS reading It only makes sense that you asked about "little kings". You probably figured it would be to obvious for you to ask about Malt Liquor!!
Any how to answer your questions Yes Old style used to have like little scribes or drawings on the cans like Hyrogliphics I believe they where drawing s of indians and stuff and one looked like two frogs fucking.
I can give you one hint of one of the beers I will be sampling this weekend. "Old Lady Carlson".

Heff said...

Dearest Billiard, thank you so much for the completely unexpected "Vagina Monologue". NOW GO TAKE MY TEST, BIATCH !!!

Anonymous said...

"Or how West indian Pussy is useless until you clear it of anti-personal devises and get all the sand out of it!! It's like some kind of oyster trying to make a pearl"


Anonymous said...

How do you think credit crunch affected porn?

Anonymous said...

does anyone think porn is the only business still thriving during the credit cruch? I think many folks seek refuge in buying and wanking porn during the crunch

Anonymous said...

my grandfather was the VP of g heileman way Back in the days that it was real beer ... kinda cool!