Saturday, April 19, 2008


Sorry I have not been the blogger you all seem to be. I have been having a little trouble finding the time to sit my fat ass down and blog.
My last week shift at work had me waking up at 1:50 am and starting my day by driving to the city and then getting back to the office to start my day at the office at 3:30. The cool thing was that I got off of work at 12:30 pm.
E. has been having a lot of softball games this week so I go to the gym after work then come home and work on finishing some new 6 panel doors with stain and Polyurethane. Then eat a dinner at 3:30 I go to her games at 4:30 were I meet with mother and we watch our little G play, then off to bed around 6:30pm. E. has been doing really well pitching for the freshman team. I am sooo proud of her. More on her and pictures real soon.
Today she is going to 6-flags with a bunch or her friends and while she is there Mother and I shall slide up to the lake and more than likely purchase this PWC we have been looking at... I don't want to jinx us but I have still been waiting for the right one and right price to come along. If you remember we promised E. a year or two ago that if she brought her grades up we would purchase one. I look at this as a good grade raising management tool and also a way to lesson the amount of stress causing boating suffered by the Rica Marie. If we have a PWC we can use to entertain the physically active we can use the Rica as the main barge to hold the rest of the herd kind of like home base. This will add to the longevity of the Rica Marie so we can look forward to keeping her for years to come or keep her in top running order in the event we sell her to invest in something newer. Either way it's the right thing do right now.
So keep your fingers crossed on this venture today..
More updates on the recent earthquake and events taking place round here.
Peace bitches.


Heff said...

"Stain and Polyurethane". I'll never forget those combined smells as I stripped, stained, and poly-coated EVERY fucking piece of wood in my damn house years ago. What a task ! Tell us about the earthquake. We actually heard about it in' Bama.

Bill's BUC said...

Well I had a fucked up shift this week so I am goint to check the paper now and will report more either tonight or tomorrow.. Excelent Heff has given me a task or essay if you will hmmm I will post it!!!! Yes I will show him I can blog of corse I can Muhahahah!!