Saturday, April 19, 2008

Another big purchase...

Well This means more summer fun for all...
Yes we invested in a new-used PWC (personal water craft)
As I have mentioned before we promised E. that if she brought the grades up we would get one. She then proceded to not only bring them up but got on the honor roll. Good job to her and as part of our deal here ya go.. It's for the whole family but if it was not for her diligence and effort we would not have it..
It's a 3 person 2000 Yamaha XL-700 Wave Runner. Very stable as far as tip-ability goes and will have absolutley not problem pulling a skier or tube. This is perfect and a lot more than we thought we would be getting. We headed out this morning with a 2 person watercraft in our sights and during the road trip Mother decided we should stop at the Marinas along the way and see what they had for sale. I was not keen on the idea but reluctently obliged. We saw this beauty and asked the price which was better than i anticipated. So we left our number and took theirs down and sped off to the one we thought we would purchase. When we got to the Marina with the 2 seater Polaris we hated it. cracked hood, nicks and dings and just small. we talked quite a bit to the dealer (boat dealer...) asking questions about common problems with PWC's and the pro's and con's of 2 and 3 seaters. We told him we would call him. As we headed to Lake Geneva for lunch we discussed it and made an offer on the 3 seater. they counter offered right before my fish taco's arrived and we told them we would call back and had some pints of Guiness.. We spoke to the wife of the owner of the marina who actually owned this PWC and all went well and this is the outcome.. So E. is happy, Mother is pleased, I am happy and you can all excpect to see a lot of pics this summer....
Peace out bitches...


Heff said...

Nice choice. My Dad use to rent those things out at his Marina. They are a hell of a lot of fun.

Bill's BUC said...

Yeah. It's a family gift mainly because Erin did so well. I was also looking for some type of activity in the summer to keep active like snow skiing in the winter so the last time I rode on e these things for like 4 hours one day and the next day I seriously had to sit on may ass and slide down the steps at the cottage!!! My legs hurt sooo freakin bad.... So yeah this will be more to do on the lake which is really cool.. IDOBEASTOOL amd my self had a great time riding my cousins and this was like 15 years ago or so... We had three of us on this thing and just punded over the waves.... Laughed our asses off as I attempted to kill a younger relative who inflicted pain on me... I am very vendictive....HAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

I want to back flip off this. I WILL back flip off this.

Bill's BUC said...

If your gonna ride on this you will have to let me know so I can aquire the permit to haul "special cargo". (special meaning retarded). Bting your hickey helmit!!

Anonymous said...

LMAO! "Their love was forbidden..."

"As Roman Maroni continued to brutalize the English language"

Anonymous said...

Also, please adjust your clock. Love, The Blog Constable.

Anonymouse said...

Awesome! I wanna riiide