Saturday, April 26, 2008

"The BEER Buzz"

Well Now that I have tamed the wild beast I can feed it beer here and there and the light beers just don't cut it for me any more. I have been searching for a real BEER taste. I love Guinness (on tap), I don't care for the micro brews at all they all seem to have a metallic taste to them more than likely brought on by all the carbonation. I like a real hopping, malty, leave a good beer after taste type of first taste of beer you ever had when your Grandfather gave you a sip and it was so strong it took your breath away BEER!!! I recently had a Schlitz and then had a Miller lite and man I could hardly taste the lite beer.
Well I saw a 6 pack of Schlitz for sale and lately I have been having a couple of Old Style Beers, which has a stronger taste and is famous but not revered in the Chicago land area. But I must admit the Schlitz was really good and it only cost a little under $3.00 a six pack.
Rumor has it that a long time ago a rival bewing company put a buzz word out on the streets that only Afro-Americans drink Schlitz and I guess sales dropped.
Well they are actually going on a new sales drive and bringing back the original SCHLITZ beer real soon. More on the Beer Buzz word later.
Oh yeah That's my new Post "Beer Buzz" so go T your own sac I have the patent on this Weekly post able I think I will do it on Beers' of the past and present all things Beer..
So Now I feel like I contribute to this Blogger society..Yess
So in closing if your searching for a good beer for taste go back to the old Beers of the past, Lets be a little Nestalgic and have a good Brew.
Schlitz Beer "Just the Kiss of the Hops"


Heff said...

I'm feeling "Nestalgic" already ! If I remember correctly Schlitz tasted like shit, but I'd be willing to try it again.

Bill's BUC said...

Ya know, that is excactly the attitude that put Shlitz in the toilet the first go around. (which is the same redundincy of drinking beer) I have been drinking what-ever recipe Schlitz has out now but they say the original brew is coming back. I beleive that would be the brew they sold before they changed it and then pushed it into the more depressed neighborhoods. I will see what I can do about the word verifuckaytion.
I miss you Heff...(sob)...