Saturday, May 3, 2008


OK at work in January some of the people like a lot of other work places started a biggest loser contest to see who could lose the most weight. One of my drivers and long time friend came to me for guidlines on how I lost my weight. I gave them to him and answered his questions along with my program and his determination and commitment he has lost 70 lbs since January. He is down from 320 lbs to 250 lbs. This is a great achievment and is precisly what I went thru uhm like 6 years ago. He is projected to win the contest which will earn him like $1000.00 or so which is great.
Anyhow He went out and purchased this P90X program off the informercial which was like $150.00. He had it dubbed for me and gave me this 12 disc program. I am not one for the Bill Blanks Ty-bow, Jane Fonda POW , buns of steel diet video program and never relaly have been. But I think I will give this one a try. It looks very intense and will help me cut up for summer.I need to shake my work out up a little bit from the same types of routines I have been alternating the past 6 years. The secret is to shock and surprise the muscles and fool them by adding differnet routines and programs and that's what this program does. so wish me luck and lets see what happens. You have to have a pull up bar, resistant bands, dumbells a mat and I guess a lot of stamina. A few guys at work are gonna try it and we all are gonna do before and after pictures. Lets see what transpires.
I did the first work out and was really impressed.. It's not like Jazzercise or aerobasize or whatever you want to call it. Today we did tons of push-ups and pull-ups and stretches and man I could hardly keep up. I definitily could do as many pull-ups as these guys could I had to use the help of a chair, keeping one leg on the chair to assist me. I got done with the last few sets of push ups and could not get up off the ground. I am serious!! I had to roll over on my back to get up. So this seems to be what I have been looking for. A Way to exhaust myself (beside masterbation) with enough of a variety to keep it real interesting. I actually got dizzy a couple of times and will update you every couple of days.. Time for a Hamms!!


Heff said...

That looks like a nice program. Wouldn't mind a copy of that myself (hint, hint)

idobcool said...

This will go GREAT with all the beer you've been drinking lately.

Bill's BUC said...

Heff; If I get a hold of one or if someone else dubbs a copy of mine I will make you a copy and you can send Donna up to get it.....

I am gonna be ripped this summer and you will still be flat and pale!!

idobcool said...

Oh, I do believe you'll be ripped, for sure.

Bill's BUC said...

Heff; Boy your a quick one! I thought I could fool ya..

IDOBEASTOOL: Yes you should be able to see all my musc... Hey wait a minute, thats a shot at my drinking isn't it?

This blog is starting to sound more like an episode of the 3 Stooges.. Nyuk nyuk nyuk!!

Wayward Hatch said...

Does TMS stand for Tongue My Sack of Beer now? You can rename the blog "Big Bill's Beergut Under Construction" now I guess.