Friday, May 16, 2008

Busy Weekebd

Well at last it is here.. Summer?
This weekend IDOBEASTOOL and I are heading up to the lake for a very busy weekend. If all goes correctly we will pick up the Wave Runner tomorrow, then tax, title and license in town. we need to go to the local Hardware store and pick up the docking poles (Ha Ha I said Poles) and Hardware to tie her up when she is not in use... Much like the handling procedures of most of the woman I know.. Then between Tomorrow and the next day we need to auger the poles in to the lake bed and set up the docking area by our Pier for the New toy.
Monday the Rica Marie gets placed on the H2O and between Monday and Tuesday we have to get her poles Augured in to the lake Bed by the other Pier..
All this is in preparation for summer time fun and relaxation.. I have been asked Why are you doing it this weekend it is still cold out the lake will be cold.. It takes one weekend to get it all set up so that when we do get a chance to break away and get up there we will be able to have fun.. not have to do all this work...
I am sure the Hilarity's and funny comments shall fly with IDOBEASTOOL by my side.. We will have to try a local Brew from the tap at one of the many taverns in town.
I will bring a camera to capture any hilarious pics like this one of IDOBEASTOOL after he asked for a pop-tart and I said NO! You will ruin your appetite, Now put on your life jacket..


Heff said...

Be sure not to let Tony burn !

BTW, You're up with the next beer post, Biatch !

Anonymous said...


idobcool said...

I understand and wish to continue.