Saturday, May 10, 2008

Beer Buzz

European Breweries History: Moretti Beer - Birra Moretti

Moretti Beer is brewed in Udine, in the Fruili region of northern Italy, since 1859. For five generations, the beers from the Moretti family have combine German, Czech and Viennese brewing expertise with Italian craftsmanship to produce a unique beer of Old World heritage.

Who is the man on the Moretti Beer label? In 1942 the Moretti family spotted a man enjoying a beer at a local Trattoria. They believed the man captured the essence of their beer and they asked if they could take his picture. His only request in return was another Moretti. His genuine Italian image has graced every bottle since.

I went out with some buds on Thursday which I have not done in a long time. I stayed out pretty late 8:30 pm was in bed by 9:00 to get up at 2:00 am. Yeah real freakin party animal. The funny thing was my buds and I hit this nice Italian resturaunt around 5:00 pm and when we get together we are loud somewhat foul and a bit obnoxious. On our defense I can say that the people around us may cringe at some of the lanuage but for the most part they enjoy our conversation and comments. This enjoyment usually is forced upon them because they either have to leave the resturaunt or sit and deal with it.. Two buds drank Grey goose and cranberry, one buddy was drinking fishbowls of Merlot!!! and I opted for pints of Moretti's on draft. I love draft beer and the only other choices where Lite ... and Blue Moon, Too sweet.. So I slugged back a few pints and it was not bad. This beer has a alcohol content of 4.6 which is pretty high for a lager (which effected me only slightly during the evenings antics) The beer taste was some-what hard to find. it was there but not to my standards. I did enjoy it and will try a pint again but I am still looking for a BEER..
So to finish my report OK beer kind of light not over carbonated and no metallic micro beer twang to it. Good mix with "Calamari Friti" and "Perch Limone" Steamed brocoli and Orange Ruffy....
Later Bitches


Heff said...

I have a Moretti in my "Beers of the World" collection. Can't say I've tasted it though.

idobcool said...

Next time you go for Italian food order a Peroni, it's good. I liked it better than Moretti.

Bill's BUC said...

Heff: Yeah but you jumped right on the Italian from your "Queers of the World" collection..

IDOBEASTOOL: They only had Moretti's on tap if they had Peroni's on tap I would have tried that also..

Anonymous said...

Well we'll have to test that out come October then Hatch.