Thursday, May 8, 2008

Beer Buzz

Pabst Blue Ribbon, colloquially known as PBR, is the most famous product of the Pabst Brewing Company. Originally called Best Select, Best Mutha Fuckin Select and then Pabst Select, the current name came from the blue ribbons that used to be tied around the bottle neck, a practice that ran from 1882 until last week.

The distinguishing quote on the bottom of the can reads as follows: "This is the original Pabst Blue Ribbon Beer. Nature's choicest products provide its prized flavor. Only the finest of hops and grains are used. Selected as America's Best in 1893."

Although the Pabst Brewing Company claims that Pabst Select officially became Pabst Blue Ribbon "following its win as 'America's Best' at the World's Columbian Exposition," there does not appear to be any documentary evidence supporting the company's claim to winning a blue ribbon or any other recognition for its beer. So that means they are all Fucking liars.

To the contrary, there is evidence to suggest that no such award was given, (OK they are Fucking story tellers not lairs.) as contemporaneous accounts indicate that many vendors were frustrated by the fair's refusal to award such prizes. One account says that the only prizes awarded by the executive committee were bronze medals in recognition of "some independent and essential excellence in the article displayed," rather "than merely to indicate the relative merits of competing exhibits."

Pabst Blue Ribbon is 4.73% alcohol by volume in most markets, though a 3.2% alcohol by weight brew is produced for certain market. That's why I like to drink it now and then, I tend to get more drunker'er....?

I am actually am drinking one right now waiting for the paint to dry... Mother has my ass painting again... So as I sip this good beer which is actually surprisingly good, I am taken back to memories of stealing cans of this beer from my Uncle Joe who drank this religiously... seriously he drank this night and day. I am going out on a limb here but I think he might have had a little bit too much of a fancy for the beer and liquor buzzzzzz. He ended up dying of organ failure due too alcohol uhm over-use... As you can tell I beat around this bush delicately because I love and miss my Uncle Joe. He was always very good to me.
So I actually enjoy this beer nothing special but a good beer very nice pleasant after taste and it slightly hangs there for a while like a beer should, which is nice...
I am going out tonight to meet some old friends and have a few cold ones. I think I might try one of these Retro-Beers from the keg if I can find one.... I can't stay out late cause I have to get up at 2:00 am for work.. Oh Yeah political correction from the guy at the liquor store who suggested I used the phrase Retro-beer instead of cheap old shit... go figure... Drink on Brethren.... stay tuned to more from the Beer Buzz


idobcool said...

idobcool said...

Link may be messed up...go to my blog for the video.

Heff said...

I didn't think they made that shit anymore. I'll have to check the store shelves.

Bill's BUC said...

Just wait Hatch... You will see... Probably see a little more than you wanted too if I get it right by thong season..LOL

Heff said...

The Triumphant Return of Hatch ! BLOGWARS SUMMERFEST GOT-DAMMIT !